
Country of Origin: India

Technical Specifications:

  • A plastic box with aluminum dial graduated in 0-90 degree four times,
  • Anti-parallax mirror and steel pivot.
  • The short magnetic needle has a synthetic sapphire bearing and a light aluminum pointer designed for precise reading and maximum damping


A magnetometer is an instrument that measures magnetism—either magnetization of magnetic material like a ferromagnet, or the direction, strength, or the relative change of a magnetic field at a particular location. A compass is a simple example of a magnetometer, one that measures the direction of an ambient magnetic field. The first magnetometer capable of measuring the absolute magnetic intensity was invented by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1833 and notable developments in the 19th century included the Hall Effect, which is still widely used. Magnetometers are widely used for measuring the Earth’s magnetic field and in geophysical surveys to detect magnetic anomalies of various types. They are also used in the military to detect submarines. Consequently, some countries, such as the United States, Canada and Australia, classify the more sensitive magnetometers as military technology, and control their distribution.



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