Newton’s second law of motion

Country of Origin: India

Technical Specifications:

  •  To demonstrate that 2 bodies will strike the floor at the same time even when their paths of flight and
    horizontal velocity components are different
  • Consists of base, spring plunger, 2 steel balls (1- solid, pre-drilled)


Newton’s second law of motion can be formally stated as follows: The acceleration of an object as produced by a
net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and
inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
A complete piece of instrument demonstrating the Newton’s Second Law of Motion.Comprises a spring loaded steel
rod mounted in two brackets on a metal base. Also includes one solid steel sphere and one steel sphere with a hole to
slide it into the rod. Complete with a rod mounted on the base for fixing the apparatus on a suitable retort stand.
Spring compressed by the handle which can be locked into two different positions corresponding to two potential
energy levels. Once spring is compressed, the sphere with the hole slides onto one end of the rod, while other is
placed in a small recess on the opposite side of the base. On releasing the handle, the potential energy of the
compressed spring imparts horizontal velocity to the solid sphere while the other sphere simply falls vertically.
Falling of both the spheres on the ground implies that vertical and horizontal velocities are independent.



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